Monday, December 20, 2010

On my way

We are always encouraged to keep a personal journal and I have always struggled to keep one current and up to date. But typing it out is just easier and quicker, and being a mom of three that is what I'm looking for.

This personal journal, "Journey 2 My Thirty," is just about me trying to reach my own personal goals, that of course will continue beyond my thirtieth birthday, but there are some goals that I've always wanted to accomplish, goals that are added to my New Year's Resolution list that have been repeatedly put on for the last 15 years, but never accomplished and now is the time to get my bum in gear and do it.

My first 3 goals that I have in the process of doing, and would accomplish in the year 2011 are:
1. Run a 1/2 marathon
2. Compete in a sprint triathlon
3. Donate my hair to Locks of Love

Run in a 1/2 marathon
Growing up I loved to run... mostly short distances. I was a pretty fast kid and loved the feeling to run as fast as I could and to feel that power that my little body had. Once I hit my teenage years, my body started changing and started slowing down. I remember being 14 and my start of running was a mix of being prepared for track and to slim down. I would wake up before school and do my tortured workout of jog/walk, jog/walk and then after a few weeks it would be so much easier and it was jogging the whole time. I've carried that memory of my struggle at the beginning and how hard it is to start something new, and the struggle, but then see the improvements in my body and how you could build up to something.
I've been setting this goal to run a 1/2 marathon for the past 7 years. At first I didn't put the effort into reaching this goal, I think out of fear and doubting that my body could turn from a sprinter into long distance runner, but then when I did start training and putting effort in, we were surprised with some children. :)

Compete in a Sprint Triathlon

When I see triathlons, running obstacle courses in the mud, or even American Gladiator, those challenges seem like that would be awesome to do. Of course over the years of being the viewer, and having that ache in my heart to do it, I just want to go out and do it and be a part of it. Why be on the sidelines all the time? There are so many things that look fun to me, yet I don't do it? So, this is one of them. I enjoy all three events, and since a "sprint" triathlon is shorter distances, it is something I know I can obtain and won't be overwhelmed doing it.

Donate my hair to locks of love

I've had this goal for 10+ years now. I start growing out my hair and of course, get sick of the growing out phase and cut it off before it is an acceptable length to donate. Now that I'm getting older, it seems that more people that I know personally, are affected by cancer and lose their hair. I feel humbled now and appreciate the hair that I do have, but know that I could really help someone else out. So, I'm hoping by the end of 2011, my hair will be long enough to donate and this will be something I will do! My mind is set and I'm done not following through with my goals.

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